Inspire Physiotherapy Wellness Centre

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We are passionate about helping to improve your quality of life by resolving pain, restoring impaired movement and preventing injuries.

Our private physiotherapy clinic in Prudhoe has a fully-equipped Fitness studio where we run weekly Pilates and fitness classes.

Claim your free 15 minute Suitable For Physiotherapy? Call‘ 

To claim your free 15 minute call simply click on the button below and enter your details. A Physiotherapist will carry out an assessment with you over the phone then book a face to face appointment if appropriate.

Why Patients Choose Us

Free Parking Spaces outside the door

Next to Prudhoe train station

Wheelchair Access

5 Star Reviews

Your Private Physiotherapy Clinic in Prudhoe

Our team is comprised of experienced and dedicated physiotherapists, sports therapists, and clinicians, osteopaths, injury rehab specialists, and client care staff who will all work with you to identify the source of your pain and address it holistically, ensuring pain relief beyond the treatment room. 

Phone Us: 01661 898148


Pain Management, Fitness, and Wellbeing Programmes

We know that finding a solution to your aches and pains can be complicated. Our pain management, fitness, and wellbeing programmes are designed to address specific problems that we have found our clients struggle with on a regular basis, including back, neck, shoulder, foot, ankle, hip and knee pain, recurring body breakdowns, and stress/anxiety.

During your initial assessment, your therapist will identify the cause of your pain. With this knowledge, they’ll tailor your treatment plan to your specific needs, treat the issues causing your pain, and prevent relapse or recurrence.

Stop having telephone assessments and see a specialist face to face

  • Have you been given advice and exercises by lots of people who’ve never actually touched you?
  • Have you given up on getting help?
  • Does everyone tell you it’s all in your head when you know it’s not?
Feeling Like 100 Years Old

Stop feeling like you’re 100 years old when you wake up every day

  • Do you look like ‘neanderthal man’ when you get out of bed?
  • Can your back randomly ‘go’ without any warning?
  • Have you been given lots of different ‘diagnoses’ by many different healthcare professionals but still don’t know what’s wrong?
Get off the Hamster Wheel

Get off the hamster wheel of endless body breakdowns

  • Do you tell yourself ‘I’m just going to have to live with this?’
  • Do you want to find out exactly what the problem is and how to solve it?
  • Do you worry you’ll still be like this in 10 years’ time?
  • Are you finally ready to start getting better?

Find out how to strengthen your core

  • Have you been told you have a ‘weak core’?
  • Do you want to know where your ‘core’ is and how to make it work for you and not against you?
  • Do you want to know how to improve your core strength safely?

Learn how to quieten your mind and sleep again

  • Do you obsess about the smallest things?
  • Do you often worry about how hard it is for you to relax?
  • Have you stopped sleeping well?



Stop Falling to Bits

Stop feeling like you’re dropping to bits

  • Do you take a lot of medication and want to stop?
  • Do you feel like a burden to your family because all you do is complain about being in pain?
  • Are you desperate to find a solution to your problem but don’t know where to turn?

What Our Clients Are Saying

Kate was able to find my problem pretty much straightaway.

My back was really stiff and I was feeling pain and discomfort at work and after sitting down for long periods. After a brief chat and assessment Kate was able to find the problem was in my pelvis and realigned it quite quickly and easily in one session. There was a dull muscular ache not unlike what you would get after a workout, which only lasted a day or two but the pain and discomfort was gone. It’s amazing what she’s done and I feel like I’ve got my life and freedom back.


Amazing Kate

Kate is absolutely amazing and fantastic at her job and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her to any one in pain. I had seen various professionals including a physio from the Nuffield and no one could help. Within five minutes she diagnosed and fixed my pain and problem. I can’t thank her enough? For 8 weeks I suffered incredible pain and had the wrong diagnosis from several people. In 5 minutes she fixed it. Thanks Kate you’re a star ******

Debbie L

Excellent service

I called Kate on a Monday morning and she called that same day and helped me back on my feet again with a swift assessment and subsequent dry needle treatment for a spasm in my hip. Kate was able release the tension enough to realign my hip which in turn reduced the severity of a nerve impingment. After another treatment I have been able to go out for walks lasting up to 30 minutes.

Dom J

Feeling better

I have had a problem for about a year with my hip and legs and have seen various health professionals in that time. As I was still in quite a lot of pain I decided to visit Kate. Kate took a history of my problems and after examining me diagnosed the problem immediately. I had some treatment that day and already feel in less pain than I have for over a year and I am sleeping better. I’m sure with a few more treatments my problems will be fully sorted.

Valerie M


Get where you want to be in your body and wellness journey with our expert physiotherapists.

Sports Massage Services

Sports Massage

Relax your muscles, and improve your sports performance and recovery times.

Osteopathy Assesment


Return to pain-free, optimal movement and reduce the risk of further injury.

Ready to start getting better?

Book your initial assessment with one of our qualified clinicians today and start your journey towards living pain-free.

Get out of Pain and Start Moving Better Assessment